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Sexual Assault Treatment Units (SATUs)

SATUs (sexual assault treatment units) are specialist medical and forensic services for anyone who has been sexually assaulted in any way. They are designed to be comfortable and multi-functional, providing private space for interviews and forensic examinations, and some may also offer sexual health and counselling services. Their services are free of charge and provided to women, men, young people and children.

Dublin SATU

Address : Rotunda Hospital Campus, Parnell Square E, Rotunda, Dublin 1, D01 P5W9, Ireland

Phone: 01 817 1736 weekdays from 8am to 5pm. 

Phone: 01 817 1700 after 5pm and weekends. Please ask for a SATU when you call this number.

Website : 


Address : South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Old Blackrock Road, Ballintemple, Cork, T12 X23H, Ireland

Phone: 021 492 6297 weekdays from 8am to 4.30pm. 

Phone: 021 492 6100 weekends and after 4.30pm. Please ask for a SATU when you call this line..

Website :

Donegal SATU

Address: Justice Walsh Road, Letterkenny

Phone: 087 06 81 964 at any time. This is a direct line to SATU.

Website :

Galway SATU 

Address : Galway SATU, The Willow Centre, Faustina House, IDA Small Business Centre, Tuam Road, Galway

Phone: 091 76 57 51 or 087 63 38 118 weekdays from 8am to 4pm.

Phone: 091 75 76 31 or 091 524222 after 4pm and weekends. Please ask for a SATU when you call this line.

Mullingar SATU

Address : Midland Regional Hospital, Longford Rd, Robinstown (Levinge), Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, N91 NA43, Ireland

Phone: 044 939 4239 or 086 04 09 952 weekdays from 8am to 5pm

Phone: 044 934 0221 after 5pm and weekends. Please ask for a SATU when you call this line.

Waterford SATU

Address : University Hospital Waterford, Waterford, X91 ER8E, Ireland 

Phone: 051 842 157 weekdays from 8am to 5pm.

Phone: 051 848 000 after 5pm and weekends. Please ask for a SATU when you call this line.

For more Information, Please visit 

Contact Us

Please contact us to find out how you can join the force in raising awareness about SA and the Empowerment of SA survivors. We are looking for people who share the same values as us to join the team. 


Survivors of SA, we exist for you. We are here to support you in any way that we can. Your information and data will be handled with Confidentiality.

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