Mind The Gap Ireland is a charity organization dedicated to raising awareness about Sexual Abuse in Ireland and providing support for survivors. We are committed to helping those affected by SA to have their voices heard and to receive the support and justice they deserve.​
We actively advocate for improved and updated government policies tackling sexual abuse.
Through our workshops and events, we strive to educate the public on the issue of sexual abuse.
By actively listening to survivors and victims, we strive to connect them the best help at the time of need.
Our Team.
We are a team of professionals with a passion for improving the lives of those affected by sexual abuse and helping them move forward with their lives. We stand for the Empowerment and Support for SA survivors and victims.
Our Values
We Embrace Diversity and Respect Differences because we are all equal.
By Educating, we strive to break the stigmas and bring an end to SA.
We actively advocate for improved government policies and support for survivors and victims of SA
Contact Us
Please contact us to find out how you can join the force for the Empowerment of SA survivors and victims. We are looking for people who share the same values as us to join the team.
Survivors of SA, we exist for you. We are here to support you in any way that we can. Your information and data will be handled with Confidentiality.